Monday, April 7, 2014


As I sleep, a dream...
A nightmare visited me.

I was trapped in a spotless white chamber.

Unexpectedly, a thick ebony liquid oozed from my body.
It was frightening.
I was drowning.

On my last breath, I was awaken.
Did I really woke up?

I ignored what happened.
Thinking it was just a little trick of the mind.

I dragged myself out of bed.
Walked towards the lavatory.
Squinting my eyes, I gargled mouthfuls of water.

To my greatest surprise, the same murky fluid flowed out of my mouth.
I panicked.

My ears started to be filled with that vile liquid.
I can barely hear.

I cried.
But my eyes are pooling with the black fluid.
More fear caved in.
I lost a glimpse of consciousness.

Unable to determine fantasy from reality, I found myself standing in the same room.
This time though, I white shining figure was there.

Before I could utter anything, he spoke.
His voice was heavenly.
A voice I never heard of.
A voice not even the Earth could produce.

The murky substance from my mouth,
The evils I spoke against myself and to those around me.

From my ears,
The  evils that I hear that strays me from the truth.

From my eyes,
The evils that I see that confuses my innocent mind.

With all the evils that surround me,
I will drown.

I must cleanse myself from this wretched evil.

I walked towards the bright light above me.
Full of hope.
Soon, my evils will be washed away.
Soon, I will be cleansed.
Soon, I will be renewed.

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