Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Palanca Letters 2012

from an unknown sender. :) After 2 years, I would like to say thank you for this letter. 

This letter came from my close friend in high school. I am happy to have a close guy friend like him. Still wishing him the best of luck in his chosen career though it's been a long time that we don't have any communication with each other.

From one of my best friends. We had a big fight when we were 3rd year high school, but I'm happy that we are now in good terms and still best friends.

Hey guys! I will still update this post sooon.. I'll just have to encode a couple more letters. :D

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

To my Inamorato

My lover and my beloved
I may not be an eloquent speaker
But I’d rather convey my sentiments
Than to suffer a life of untold verity.

You are my Cupid, I am your Psyche
I will journey from the sky, to the underworld
Roam until the ends of the Earth
To prove my imperishable amour for you.

You are my Pyramus, I am your Thisbe
Forbidden to see each other
Still, love in the end conquered
Not even death was able to subdue it

You are my Orpheus, I am your Eurydice
You dared what no man could ever dare for love
You brought back what death has taken away
In my loss, you came back for me

Messages from him

Monday, April 7, 2014

One Day Diary of A Bored Summer Class Student

"I should have slept earlier," I said to myself. My eyes were drooping like I'm gonna fall off my chair and sleep any minute now added with the great boredom I experience while waiting for the professor. I tried making this "diary" on the back of my notebook.
I tried to look back, how could I even possibly sleep early since it's summer. While other people are basking in the heat, getting sunburned and really "enjoying the summer", here I am stuck on a dusty chair, keeping myself busy. My first subject that day was statistics, biostatistics to be exact. MATH. The subjects seems fine to me, but I can feel this would really be a rough summer class for me. 
Some people are not really contented in giving us 35 units each semester for the past 10 months. They would even give us an additional 9 units for the summer. Now, how I am suppose to enjoy my life my summer with that?
Other people are already getting darker in swimming in beaches or pool, wearing their nice swimwears and posting it on facebook, but here I am thinking that my whole summer would be spent on school. BORING.
On the positive side, it's better if I have to take the summer class now. I don't have to spend five years going to school anymore, just 4 years. I get to have a daily allowance too. I get to see my friends, though I'm not really that close to my school friends. 
OKAY. After an hour of waiting, professor came in and introduced the subject. I'll try to write again next time... :/ 


Hello! This was written last year when I was still taking up summer classes! Just wanted to share it to you. I have posted this at Wattpad so feel free to check out my other works. :3

Legend of Lady Guinevere

Long time ago, there was a very vast kingdom ruled by King Arthur the tenacious, together with his lovely wife, Queen Beatrix of Adelaide. He had an elder son, Lord Gavin and a younger daughter, Lady Guinevere. As the two siblings grew up, they were trained by the knights the art of fighting. King Arthur was very much impressed by the exceptional prowess of his two children. Lord Gavin was an expert in melee combat using various weapons such as swords, maces, spears because of his immeasurable strength. Lady Guinevere on the other hand was an expert markswoman. She could shoot any moving object at very far distances. Some say Lord Gavin was blessed by wolf strength and Lady Guinevere by falcon vision.
On the 18th Birthday of Lady Guinevere, troubling news had befallen the kingdom. An army of orcs waged war against the kingdom. King Arthur appointed Lord Gavin and Lady Guinevere to be the commanding generals of his army. Queen Beatrix opposed the idea but King Arthur insisted that the two were already ripe enough to fight a real battle. He believed that with Gavin and Guinevere in the battlefield, they are invulnerable against the Orc army. The siblings fortified their own army for battle.
Early dawn, their army marched vigorously to the battlefield. The wind blew against their faces as the trumpet resonated signaling the start of the war between the orcs and humans. Lord Gavin and Lady Guinevere battled in the front lines. Lord Gavin slashed the deformed bodies of his enemies and Lady Guinevere backed him up shooting arrows straight to the skulls of the orcs.
After long days and nights that seemed to be forever, the battle was won by the humans. As Lady Guinevere gives her triumphant proclamation of victory, Lord Gavin saw an orc archer pointing an arrow towards her sister. He took the speeding arrow to himself to protect her dearest sister. The arrow went right through his heart. As he was dying, he told Lady Guinevere that he was happy to protect her and he loved her so much. He told her to protect the kingdom and to fight for everyone she loves. Guinevere was bursting into tears as Lord Gavin breath his last. Lady Guinevere stood up, the orc shot another arrow to Guinevere but she was agile enough to counter the arrow. The orcs arrow was split in half and Guinevere’s arrow pierced the head of the orc.
The Kingdom fell in great despair after hearing the great loss. Afraid to loss Guinevere as well, King Arthur admitted her to the monastery and forbade her to all kinds of fighting. Guinevere pleaded to his king father to reconsider. She is a warrior, a fighter. Her territory is in the battlefield not in the seclusion of the monastery. But King Arthur laid deaf to her cries.
While Guinevere was inside the monastery, the kingdom started to decline. Slowly, the territory of King Arthur was taken away by the attacks of the orcs. Only a small portion of the kingdom was left. The king was unable to do anything good for the kingdom. He kept on sending armies yet his efforts are futile. His strategies were far inferior compared to the strength of the attacking orcs. The king started to feel ill due to these consistent happenings.
When Guinevere heard about this, he rushed to the king’s quarters. He asked his king father to let her fight and reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Despite his worsening condition, and of the kingdom, his father declined. Instead, he proposed that she be married to and Elven prince in the far west of the country so that the kingdom would once again be strengthened.
Lady Guinevere found it absurd. She opposed his father’s idea. Why not let her fight? It is her passion. Her life! His father told her she just can’t afford to lose her. She was confused. She can’t just marry any prince she doesn’t even know! But she can’t disobey her father too… Or can she? She kept that idea to herself. She kept silent and returned to the monastery.
She prayed loudly and one of the monks heard her cries and pleas. After her prayer, Monk Siegfried summoned her to his office. As they walked around the monastery, Monk Siegfried shared a little secret of the monastery to her. It was unknown to all except for Monk Siegfried and his late brother, Lord Gavin. He pulled a lever on the dark mossy wall of his office. It opened to a huge room full of different weapons. The monk told her that it was her brother’s little secret from his father. He trained the monks in his spare time when he was still alive. It is because he wished that the monks would learn to defend themselves despite the fact they wish to live a non-violent way.
His brother was really an amazing warrior, she said to himself. From that day on, every free time that she has is spent on that room. To practice more together with the other monks lead by Monk Siegfried. She taught what she had known to the monks and she learned from them as well. It was her routinely activities inside the monastery until one day, her father sent for her.
While she entered the king’s throne, she was welcomed by her father who is accompanied by royal elves. She scanned each of them and saw a young elf, around 21 looking. His father introduced him to be Prince Lyastein of the Eastern Elven territory. Prince Lyastein was a handsome and well-built elf. His face looks angelic and tamed showing much of royalty in his over-all figure.
King Arthur opened up about the marriage between his daughter, Lady Guinevere and Prince Lyastein. The king spoke that the kingdom needs to be strengthened while the elven territory needs an heir, only through the union of the two kingdoms that this would be possible. Prince Lyastein bowed down an accepted the proposal to take Guinevere as his wife. Guinevere stood up in front of all and said that Prince Lyastein is a good and regal elf but she can’t just marry him without proving himself to her. The king opposed but Prince Lyastein agreed to Guinevere.
Guinevere contemplated a duel between her and Prince Lyastein. A 3-part battle between Prince Lyastein and her was her main plan.  First was the melee fighting, each of them are free to choose any melee weapon to bring in the battlefield. One must immobilize the opponent to win this. Second was the jousting. Unlike any normal jousting, Prince Lyastein and Lady Guinevere would joust while riding at the back of the dragon. It is almost impossible because of the dragon’s large stature but accuracy, speed and strength are the key to succeed this test. Third one is the archery competition. Despite the fact that it was Guinevere’s forte, it is undeniable that elves were masters of the bows and arrows as well. But this archery might seem impossible because they have to kill an Iron Hide dragon to succeed. Iron Hide dragons are to most powerful dragons in history. They could withstand attacks from a thousand knights without being scathed. They breathe white flames that could incinerate a person to ashes in an instant. The only way of defeating these monsters is to strike its weak point which is the very small area near its chest. It is about an inch but it leads through his heart. It is a thick membrane but it is weaker compared to other parts of its body. Once it is penetrated, the dragon would drown in its own flames and consume himself to ashes. The event would take place a week after their conversation.
Guinevere excused herself from the congregation and returned to the monastery. She visited Monk Siegfried in his office and told him her father’s plans. Monk Siegfried suggested that Guinevere do what she deems is right so that in the end, she would not regret what she had done. With the help of Monk Siegfried and the other monks, Guinevere secluded herself in the hidden room of the monastery in the remaining time before her battle with Prince Lyastein and trained to fight.
The time of the commencement came, Guinevere was well prepared for the fight. She wore her battle garments and marched from the monastery to the battlefield where everyone is waiting for her. The king shouted that Guinevere could still back out the fight and peacefully marry Prince Lyastein but Lady Guinevere was determined to fight for the right of her hand.
The first test started after a short while. Lady Guinevere took dual Falx as her weapon while Lyastein chose Claymore, whose name speaks of a great sword. With the sound of the trumpet, their fight started. Guinevere was first to attack with her left falx which was countered by Lyastein. Guinevere bashed her right falx to Lyastein but it was dodged. Lyastein assaulted Guinevere but it was stopped by the twin falx of Guinevere. She parried the attack and Lyastein’s Claymore flew right up. Guinevere attack but Lyastein jumped up and abased Guinevere to retrieve his sword and pointed it back to Guinevere’s throat. Lyastein won the first test.
As the knights were preparing for the second test, Guinevere went straight up to Monk Siegfried with a frustrated face. She told him that she almost had it but still she failed. Now, if she lost, she would have to marry Prince Lyastein. Monk Siegfried told her that she must not lost her faith. He made her remember the efforts of her brother Lord Gavin. The moment gave her a vision of her brother talking to her in a beautiful forest. Lord Gavin told her that he is always with her. His strength is her strength; he would guide her in her battle. He added that it is her responsibility to protect the kingdom and he believes in her ability. Lady Guinevere went back to her senses and felt Lord Gavin’s power on her. She is ready.
Dragon Jousting was about to start. Guinevere mounted her dragon, Miasmador. The dragon was ebony black with sapphire eyes and breathes blue flames. It was the dragon everyone feared except for Guinevere. She tamed the dragon when it was captured by his father’s knights and they started a mutual bond with each other.
Miasmador was born in the Mountains of the Augsburg. His parents were captured and killed by the orcs. He was also about to be killed by the orcs but the orcs were eliminated by King Arthur’s knights. Miasmador was brought to the castle and was raised by Guinevere in a cave which was named by King Arthur as Cave of the Sapphire Eye Dragon. The dragon also grieved about Lord Gavin’s death and he was there to console Guinevere.
The battle started when Prince Lyastein has full mounted his own dragon by the name of Ysellian, a silver dragon with a black elven crest on its chest and gray eyes. Guinevere and Lyastein joust and Miasmador and Ysellian fought as well. The fight ended when Lyastein fell from Ysellian’s back when Guinevere hit his head. Guinevere has won the second battle against Prince Lyastein.
She congratulated Miasmador for helping her win and the dragon breather blue flames to the sky and roared. Guinevere then proceeded to talk to Monk Siegfried who congratulated her as well. But he reminded her not to let her head go into the clouds for there is still the last test she needed to win to be fully victorious. She nodded and thanked the monk for the help he had given her.
The last test was about to start, Lyastein and Guinevere took their bows and arrows to the battlefield. The Iron Hide Dragon, Gragoloon was released. Gragoloon went berserk and started chasing Guinevere and Lyastein, breathing fire all over them. Guinevere shot the first arrow but her shot did not penetrate the dragon. The dragon saw her and started chasing her with its fiery breath. Lyastein took the attention of the dragon by shooting it in the eye. It went on and on and they were almost out of arrows. It seemed impossible! Then Guinevere had another vision of his brother again. After that, Guinevere felt that she became strong enough to hit the dragon in the heart. She aimed the arrow, but the dragon saw her. It ran to her but she didn’t move a bit. Her breathing stopped, looked straight to the target. The dragon was nearing her, Lyastein saw it and ran to protect Guinevere. Guinevere released her final arrow; it straightly pierced the heart of Gragoloon. It went wild; Guinevere was almost impaled by the claws of Gragoloon but Lyastein, eager to protect Guinevere, took the attack himself. He fell in front of Guinevere and said that he is happy to meet a girl like Guinevere. She is strong, smart and unlike any other else. Too bad for him, he lost the battle. Guinevere responded that Lyastein may have lost their battle, but he has won her heart. Lyastein, greatly injured by the dragon, still managed to plant his last kiss on the lips of Guinevere. He smiled and breathes his last.
Lyastein was taken back to the Elven territory to be buried. Guinevere suffered another loss in her life again. King Arthur summoned Guinevere; he was with Prince Lyastein’s father. Guinevere apologized for the death of Lyastein. She was afraid that the elves might wage war against them, surely they will lose. But King Choriandus spoke; he was greatly astounded by the ability of Guinevere. Despite the loss of his son, he is willing to form an alliance with the kingdom as long as it is Guinevere who leads them. Guinevere humbly accepted. King Choriandus bade goodbye and return to his own kingdom.
After a few months, Guinevere received news that the orcs are making their final wave to topple down and take over the kingdom. Guinevere prepared her own army for battle; she summoned the help of the elves. She won countless wars against the orcs and finally retrieved her kingdom. King Arthur was pleased by Guinevere. If only Lord Gavin was there, it would be much better the king said. Her wife, the queen answered that Gavin is always in Guinevere.
Lady Guinevere became known in the land. Her name spread, north, east, west and south. She was the epitome of strength and beauty. She replaced the king in his death. She may have ruled the kingdom single-handedly but it bloomed to its finest. This is the legend of Guinevere, the Warrior Rose.Warrior Rose

Collection of Haiku

A Bride's Haiku

I walk down the aisle
With a bouquet in my hand
It is my wedding day


The queen of Iceland
Defeated in three trials
Was won by Siegfried

Gjaller Horn

Softly, a god passed
Loudly, a giant crosses
Full blast, Ragnarok.


Bringer of Good Luck
A Japanese Santa Claus
He was a plump god


Daughter of Helios
Wife of Minos, King of Crete
Minotaur's mother


As I sleep, a dream...
A nightmare visited me.

I was trapped in a spotless white chamber.

Unexpectedly, a thick ebony liquid oozed from my body.
It was frightening.
I was drowning.

On my last breath, I was awaken.
Did I really woke up?

I ignored what happened.
Thinking it was just a little trick of the mind.

I dragged myself out of bed.
Walked towards the lavatory.
Squinting my eyes, I gargled mouthfuls of water.

To my greatest surprise, the same murky fluid flowed out of my mouth.
I panicked.

My ears started to be filled with that vile liquid.
I can barely hear.

I cried.
But my eyes are pooling with the black fluid.
More fear caved in.
I lost a glimpse of consciousness.

Unable to determine fantasy from reality, I found myself standing in the same room.
This time though, I white shining figure was there.

Before I could utter anything, he spoke.
His voice was heavenly.
A voice I never heard of.
A voice not even the Earth could produce.

The murky substance from my mouth,
The evils I spoke against myself and to those around me.

From my ears,
The  evils that I hear that strays me from the truth.

From my eyes,
The evils that I see that confuses my innocent mind.

With all the evils that surround me,
I will drown.

I must cleanse myself from this wretched evil.

I walked towards the bright light above me.
Full of hope.
Soon, my evils will be washed away.
Soon, I will be cleansed.
Soon, I will be renewed.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Writer's Fantasy

I woke up in bed with a gentle snug on my shirt.

Hazily, I stood up as a hard surface guides my body towards somewhere I don't know.

I found myself thereafter, sitting on a shiny mahogany chair facing a mahogany table filled with intricate carvings, like a masterpiece no man could possibly fathom.

I stroked my fingers on the crevices, my face was filled with awe.

As I went near the surface of the table, something was writhing towards my dominant hand.

Two wooden bars intertwined on my arm like snakes.

Reaching towards my elbow, I spotted its end to be a pen, so enchanting that it glows in dim light.

I pulled a piece of parchment paper on the table, as I carefully gripped the pen.


Come Back

Striving for earthly perfection,
Striving for man's praises
Striving for global recognition,
She loses herself in the process.

To the girl who once run barefoot,
Catching dragonflies in the meadow,
Whose smile was innocently sincere,
Come back. What happened now?

You walk the red carpet, in stunning high heels,
Object of man's lust and epitome of earthly beauty,
But you bear a glamorous smiling mask,
To hide a crying you.

You want to be loved for who you are,
You want to be free from the flashes of the camera,
You want to be you again,
Come back. Come back.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Top 10 Personal Images

This is not in a specific order. I just wanted to share a couple of pictures! :3

An image taken while we were at the beach. I decided to 
edit this later on. I used my old nokia phone to take this picture.

Taken while we were about to perform our field
demonstration (belly dancing). I was having a fruit shake for lunch.
sing and dance contest for our Filipino Subject

Got a little bored.
 Did a little make-up.
 Dressed up a bit

make-up and edit (c) to my cousin

I'm a cat. at an old classmate's house in Taculing. <3
I belong!

random picture while at the school park

I got a haircut and a new blouse, which seems
 to be awesome enough for me

When vanity strikes, do a little pose.

I'm a lady! Picture taken near LCC-Bacolod.

Top 10 Drawings

I'm not really good at making drawings but I'm gonna show the Top 10 drawings I made during my free time. I've seen this pictures in the internet and decided to make my own version of it using a few drawing tools. I'll start with the 10th. <3

10.  The skull

I used black marker and outlined it with 0.7 MyMetal Gold +
 0.7 MyMetal Silver for the area near the teeth and 0.32 LovePets
 (Wine) for the teeth

 9. Blue Rose
Outline: 0.5 MyGel Back Blue Pen
Color: Stabilo Highlighter (Blue)

8. Kitty 
Quick drawing of a kitten out of pure boredom. I just used
 0.5 MyGel Black for the outline and Mongol 2 for the shading

7. Scarface
I just used 0.5 MyGel Black. I find this picture so 
hardcore that I decided to draw it.

6. Squirrel!
I am deeply fascinated by Squirrels due to 
a highly classified reason.

5. Chinese Dragon
I made this drawing for about a few days. The scales are so detailed
. This image reminds me of someone.

4. Baby Dinosaur!
Isn't this tiny creature a true cutiee?? 

3. Purr-fect
It's a picture of a cat. Staring right into your soul.

2. King of the Birds
first drawing I made since my little sister asked me to draw
 this for her project. I wasn't disappointed by
 how I was able to draw this.

1. T-rex
my greatest achievement so far. It took me around 3 days to
 finish this drawing. I love the detais and it remind
s me of someone close to my heart. HAHAHA! I love dinosaurs.

So, this is it... my Top 10 Drawings! I hope you like it. <3

Top 10 Colors and Shades of Choice

1. Prussian Blue
            I prefer dark shades of blue. Prussian blue seems to be the perfect shade of blue (in my            opinion) to characterize my color preference.

2. Black
            Black, in my own perspective is neutral and elegant. Most of my clothes are in black and             I can pair  them with almost any color!

3. Red
            Red is a color symbol of courage and inner passion, like a fire from within. I find red to                 be warm  to the senses. 

4. White
            Another neutral shade in my point of view. Scientifically speaking, white reflects heat so I             prefer white especially during summer.

5. Gray
            Gray is somewhere between white and black and I also like this color. I just find this color              to be simply amazing!

6. Lavender
             One of the colors that makes me feel like I'm a girl. Nyahaha! It's so cuteee!

7. Brown
             Generally, I like earthy colors. Brown seems to be the most appealing to me.

8. Gold
             I like pairing gold to black. I just find it wonderful to look at. HAHAHA! Well, I use gold on             my drawings whenever I get to use a lot of black as an outline.   

9. Silver
            Silver is so METAL! okayyyy... 

10. Pink
            Another color that makes me feel like I'm a girl <3

All About Mikai

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor

 - Sholom Aleichem

I'm Ann Denise Jacobo! This is my first time making a new blog for this year so please bear with me if I still have a few stuffs to change and improve from time to time. Okay, let's avoid this cliche of making paragraphs of long introduction of self here in my blog but I still want you to know me better. For this, I'll be have Top 10 stuffs about me. Seat back and relax. I hope you have fun reading this blog.


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